Nabae Beach

Situated on the northwestern belt of Wakasa Bay, the calm waves of Nabae make it a popular option for families in the summer while winter and early spring bring surfers who come to take advantage of the choppy waves.


Contact Wakasa-Takahama Tourism Association 0770-72-0338
Address Nabae, Takahama-town
Access Walk: Approx. 40 mins. from JR Aonogo Station.
Car: Approx. 20 mins. drive from Oi-Takahama IC on Maizuru-Wakasa Expressway.
Parking Approx. 150 parking lots in the surrounding area.
Parking Times: Weekdays 7:00~17:00 Weekends & Public Holidays 6:30~17:00
Parking Fee: Standard vehicles from 1,200 yen per day.

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